Cannabis, CrossFit, and One Hell of an Investment Opportunity

Jeff Siegel

Written By Jeff Siegel

Posted May 24, 2018

On Monday, I’m going to get my ass kicked.

You see, in just four days, I’ll be doing a CrossFit workout called “Murph.”

In the world of CrossFit, “Murph” isn’t just a workout. It’s an event, and it’s something we do to honor Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, who was killed in action in Afghanistan in 2005.

The workout is as follows:

  • 1-mile run
  • 100 pull-ups
  • 200 push-ups
  • 300 air squats
  • Another 1-mile run

And if you can, you do the whole thing while wearing a 20-pound vest.

It’s insanely hard, yet this was Murphy’s favorite workout. And in an effort to pay tribute, CrossFit enthusiasts from around the world come together on Memorial Day and suffer through this workout.

Of course, I’m not writing this today to talk about my CrossFit obsession or how I’m excited to put my body through a workout that few would ever volunteer to do.

I’m writing about this today because there’s a very important lesson to be learned from the world of CrossFit — a lesson that, if successfully integrated into your investment strategy, can help you make a lot of money.

A $4 Billion Opportunity

Some folks have described CrossFit as a cult.

But for me, it’s an investment opportunity.

It’s an investment in my physical and mental health.

Created by former gymnast Greg Glassman, the CrossFit model was founded in 2000.

In 2005, there were 13 CrossFit affiliated gyms.

Today, there are more than 13,000, with the brand now valued at about $4 billion.

That’s billion, with a “B.”

To put this in perspective, CrossFit has more affiliate gym locations than Starbucks (NASDAQ: SBUX) has retail stores in the United States.

It also boasts more affiliate gyms than Planet Fitness (NYSE: PLNT), which many investors see as the most profitable fitness franchise in the world.

The interesting thing, however, is that Planet Fitness spends millions on marketing.

The CEO has even called the company a “marketing machine,” as it spends 9% of individual member dues on marketing, “fueling the next join.”

But CrossFit doesn’t have to spend that kind of scratch on television commercials and high-priced sponsorships, because the product is so damn good, it basically sells itself.

No Gimmicks Needed

As an investor, I find few things more satisfying than investing in a company that has such an amazing product, it doesn’t have to spend a ton of cash to convince people they need that product.

In the case of CrossFit, the marketing comes from its practitioners.

If you look at a CrossFit athlete and talk with that athlete, you’ll be motivated to give it a try. And once you get in there and do the work, you’ll be sold. No fancy gimmicks needed.

Certainly there are other billion-dollar companies that have enjoyed similar success without having to spend millions on advertising…

  • Krispy Kreme
  • Costco
  • Lululemon
  • Rolls-Royce
  • Spanx

When was the last time you saw any of these companies in a television commercial?

The products sell themselves.

And that’s one thing I always look for in an investment opportunity.

$31.4 Billion up for Grabs

While there are plenty of examples of companies that have been able to generate billions without massive advertising budgets, without a doubt, there is no industry more successful at making money without the help of advertising than the legal cannabis industry.

Of course, legally, cannabis companies cannot use conventional marketing avenues due to regulatory burdens. But that hasn’t slowed the rapid growth of this industry.

Last year, the global cannabis market was valued at $7.7 billion.

In less than three years, it’ll be worth more than $31.4 billion.

And make no mistake, those are some very conservative numbers.

This, dear reader, is one of the many reasons we’ve been investing in the cannabis space for more than four years…

And it’s also one of the reasons we’ve been making so much money by investing in the right cannabis stocks.

Here are some of our more impressive gains over the past few years:

  • Aphria, Inc. (TSX: APH) — 1,029%
  • Aurora Cannabis (TSX: ACB) — 181.35%
  • Innovative Industrial Properties (NYSE: IIPR) — 76.11%
  • OrganiGram Holdings (TSX-V: OGI) — 1,152%
  • Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX: WEED) — 2,322%

And there are plenty more to come.

Today, there are 29 states that have some kind of cannabis legalization in place.

After the midterm elections, there will be 33 states with legalization legislation on the books.

Of course, this doesn’t include Canada, which in just a few months will legalize cannabis throughout the entire country.

Make no mistake: The legal cannabis market is already turning out to be one of the greatest investment opportunities of the 21st century. And again, this is an industry that doesn’t have to advertise a damn thing.

Folks, this is easy money at its finest, and only a fool would ignore this opportunity.

That’s why I wrote my 77-page e-book, “A Beginner’s Guide to Getting Rich in the Legal Cannabis Market,” which you can get access to here. Because there’s absolutely no reason you shouldn’t be getting a piece of this action.

And if you’re still on the fence, check out this introductory video on cannabis investing, which lays out the entire opportunity — no holds barred.

Truth is, unless you hate money, you should absolutely have some part of your portfolio dedicated to cannabis stocks. Because while this is one of those rare opportunities that only comes along every few decades, it also won’t be around forever.

Once Canada legalizes cannabis throughout the country, and once the U.S. does the same — which will likely happen in less than three years — all the smart money will be selling.

This is your chance to be the “smart money.”

Don’t sleep on this opportunity.

To a new way of life and a new generation of wealth…

Jeff Siegel Signature

Jeff Siegel

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Jeff is the founder and managing editor of Green Chip Stocks. For more on Jeff, go to his editor’s page.

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